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XML document indexes: a classification." Internet Computing, IEEE 9 (2005): 64-71.
"New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, 17th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems In ADBIS (2), Edited by Barbara Catania, Tania Cerquitelli, Silvia Chiusano, Giovanna Guerrini, Mirko Kämpf, Alfons Kemper, Boris Novikov, Themis Palpanas, Jaroslav Pokorny and Athena Vakali. Vol. 241. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 241. Genoa, Italy: Springer, 2014.
XML Document Indexes: A Classification." IEEE Internet Computing 9 (2005): 64-71.
"Harvesting Opinions and Emotions from Social Media Textual Resources." Internet Computing, IEEE 19 (2015): 46-50.
PDF (1.75 MB)
Detecting Aggressors and Bullies on Twitter In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. WWW '17 Companion. Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (166.61 KB)
Poster (876.34 KB)

Measuring #GamerGate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, and Bullying In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. WWW '17 Companion. Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.07 MB)
Presentation (1.04 MB)

Micro-blogging Content Analysis via Emotionally-Driven Clustering." In Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2013 Humaine Association Conference on, 375-380., 2013.
PDF (375.24 KB)
Mean Birds: Detecting Aggression and Bullying on Twitter. WebSci '17. Troy, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.45 MB)
Dataset (86.79 KB)
Presentation (2.61 MB)

Detecting Variation of Emotions in Online Activities." Expert Systems with Applications 89 (2017): 318-332.
PDF (2.19 MB)
MultiSpot: Spotting Sentiments with Semantic Aware Multilevel Cascaded Analysis." In Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, edited by Sanjay Kumar Madria and Takahiro Hara, 337-350. Vol. 9263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9263. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
PDF (359.27 KB)
Presentation (488.64 KB)

Hate is not Binary: Studying Abusive Behavior of #GamerGate on Twitter. HT '17. Prague, Czech Republic: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.21 MB)
Presentation (1.52 MB)

Exploriometer: Leveraging Personality Traits for Coverage and Diversity Aware Recommendations." In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, WWW 2015, Florence, Italy, May 18-22, 2015 - Companion Volume., 2015.
PDF (817.99 KB)